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Meet the Eagle Scout Class of 2021 from Richland County


Richland county serves more than 400 youth annually. In 2021, 13 of these youth achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.

Below you will find all of the Eagle Scouts from Richland County, including a photo, project description and congratulatory video. Feel free to explore and learn about each Eagle Scout. 

*photos, project descriptions, and videos may not be available for all Eagle Scouts*

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of the Eagle Celebration!

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Jonah B.

Bellville |  Troop 7126

Project Beneficiary: Village of Bellville

For Jonah's project, he replaced the footbridge in Village of Bellville Palm Park.

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Patrick B.

Mansfield  |  Troop 7544

Project Beneficiary: Village of Lexington

Patrick's Eagle Scout project began in the fall of 2020. With the help of funding through the Village of Lexington as well as a generous discount from Alta Greenhouse, the project took flight. He lead a group of loyal scouts and volunteers in planting 4 trees in the nature area at Patriot Park in Lexington. The four trees planted were a Sugar Maple Tree, an October Glory Red Maple Tree, a Crimson King Maple Tree and an Autumn Blaze Red Maple Tree. At Patriot Park, there is a nature walkway where people can walk around and look at different parts of the nature area.

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Jonathan B.

Mansfield  |  Troop 7131

Project Beneficiary: Village of Shiloh

By request of the Village of Shiloh, we will provide 25 elevated garden beds to disabled and elderly residence. It will give people space to be able to grow their own produce. It will also give community members a place to get to know each other and help each other.

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Seth D.

Galion​  |  Troop 7131

Project Beneficiary: First Christian Church

Seth chose to create an orchard and green space in a low income urban environment. His Troop and family assisted him with planting 18 apple, pear, and peach trees.  He also led the Troop in pouring a concrete pad and built two benches for seating on top of the concrete pad.  He also led volunteers in laying a paver walkway to the seating area.  This area was inspired by the community garden and free meal location around the corner from this space.  Anyone in the area may use the green space and benches, and enjoy fresh fruit when in season. 


Christopher K.

Mansfield  |  Troop 7131

Project Beneficiary: Richland County Children's Services

For Chris's project, he built an outdoor swing, table, and benches at the Richland County Children's Services. 

Read an article about Chris's Eagle Scout Project

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David M.

Shelby​  |  Troop 7406

Project Beneficiary: Shelby High School (Girls Soccer Team)

For David's Eagle Scout Project, he built benches for each team's players to be able to sit on during soccer games. 

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Caiden M.

Fredericktown​  |  Troop 7126

Project Beneficiary: Berlin Township

The Berlin Church Cemetery was very run down. Gravestones dating back to the 19th century have fallen over due to the lack of foundations. For Caiden's project, he identified gravestones, used Berlin Township cemetery records to return graves to their correct spots, and created quik-crete foundations. A focus would be placed on veterans gravesites.

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Evan M.

Fredericktown​  |  Troop 7126

Project Beneficiary: Berlin Township

For Evan's project, he constructed a flagpole with a flag outside of the Berlin Township House on Old Mansfield Rd.

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Jacob N.

Mansfield​  |  Troop 7131

Project Beneficiary: Lexington High School

Jacob's project was to remodel the football victory bell at Lexington High School. He made a new stand for the bell and cleaned the bell by sandblasting and repainting the concrete base.

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Samuel P.

Mansfield​  |  Troop 7131

Project Beneficiary: Malabar Farm

Samuel restored two wrought iron and wood benches to be put up by the big house at Malabar Farm State Park. He also constructed two map stands. One replaced a worn-out one by the working farm parking lot and another went to the equestrian trail parking lot.

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Nathaniel S.

Mansfield​  |  Troop 7121

Project Beneficiary: Gorman Nature Center

Nathaniel repaired and lengthened some steps at the Gorman Nature Center. This will improve the walkway over a regularly muddy area on the White Trail at the Gorman Nature Center. 

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Matthew W.

Mansfield  |  Troop 7152

Project Beneficiary: Ohio Bird Sanctuary

Matthew constructed a french drain for the Ohio Bird Sanctuary to prevent the pooling of water by the main building. It is needed to maintain the land around the building and to assist guests in moving along the pathway.

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Brayden W.

Willard  |  Troop 7544

Project Beneficiary: City of Willard, Willard Reservoir

Brayden constructed a 12 foot picnic table with attached roof at the Willard Reservoir.

Sponsor the Eagle Scout Class of 2021

Interested in sponsoring and paying by mail? Fill out this form to mail in payment. 

CelebrateScouting is created by the Buckeye Council, Boy Scouts of America

2301 13th Street NW  |  Canton  |  OH   |  44708

330-580-4272  |

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