Meet the Eagle Scout Class of 2023 from Columbiana County
Columbiana county serves more than 600 youth annually. In 2023, 9 of these youth achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.
Below you will find all of the Eagle Scouts from Columbiana County, including a photo, project description and congratulatory video. Feel free to explore and learn about each Eagle Scout.
*photos, project descriptions, and videos may not be available for all Eagle Scouts*
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Brandon E.
Leetonia | Troop 2006
Project Beneficiary: Village of Salineville
This was a beautification project in a small village of Salineville, Ohio. It was presented to me by my superintendent of my school. A grant had been obtained to help improve the area next to the school and police station and by the village park. The project is a display of beauty and an area to sit and enjoy the outside with the view of the fountain and park. A picnic table was added to the area for local police officers and the mayor and the public to sit at and eat or just enjoy the fresh air.

Zachary G.
Salem | Troop 2003
Project Beneficiary: First Presbyterian Church of Salem
For his Eagle project, Zachary constructed a cabinet to display the wide array of Scouting memorabilia that has been donated to Troop 3 is Salem over the past several years, including uniforms, patches, books, maps, knives and photographs. Many, many pieces in that collection were donated by the family of Benny Gonzalez after his passing in early 2021. Benny had served as the Scoutmaster of Troop 70 in New Waterford for more than 30 years, and had mentored just as many Scouts to the rank of Eagle, including Zach’s father/scoutmaster, Ryan.
Benny had a big influence on Zach’s early Scouting career, and Zach wanted to honor the wishes of Benny’s family when they donated his collection to Troop 3 by creating a way to display the items so that they could be appreciated by others. Zach also hoped that by exposing younger Scouts to the Scouting history that was displayed in the collection, he could encourage and inspire them on their journey to Eagle, the same way that Benny had inspired him.
With the help of Eric Hall, another Troop 70 Eagle Scout, Zach designed and constructed the display case along for the Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church, which has sponsored Troop 3 since 1910. Most of the wood for the project was reclaimed from old pallets that had been stored away by Randy Taylor, an assistant scoutmaster for Troop 70, and donated by Mr. Taylor’s son, Darren Taylor, still another Troop 70 Eagle Scout. This meant that very little “new” wood was needed for the project. It also meant that, in completing his project, Zach brought together the efforts of two Troop 70’s adult leaders and three of the troop’s Eagle Scouts.

Alex H.
East Liverpool | Troop 2012
Project Beneficiary: LaCroft Elementary School
Alex did a playground renovation project at LaCroft Elementary where he repainted an 8ft x 105in wall. The entire wall was painted with bright colors and positive words making it much more creative, colorful, and interactive. Alex also built 6 more benches at the Asian garden, which will double the occupancy allowing more than 1 class out at a time.

Gabriel M.
Salem | Troop 2006
Project Beneficiary: City of Salem
This project will restore the Salem city bell that was originally purchased in 1882. Its current state has not been improved/maintained since 1956. Damage sustained during this time period includes heavy rust on the bell's saddle, weathering and erosion on its concrete pad, and a cheap black pain painted over the brass that has been eroded green. The project will entail dismantiling (as much as possible), cleaning, prepping, painting, etc to bring it back to a protected original state. The bell itself will be cleaned and clear coated, the concrete base will be cleaned and
clear coated, and all cast iron components will be cleaned, primed, and painted black. Bell will be re-assembled to a functional state by improving the mechanics of the bell assembly that have deteriorated over time.

Phillip R.
Salem | Troop 2018
Project Beneficiary: Heritage Baptist Church
Phillip's project was to restore the basement entrance to the Heritage Baptist Church in Salem. He repainted the inside of the tunnel, replace the gutters, and replace a light fixture on the inside.

Jeremy S.
New Waterford | Troop 2018
Project Beneficiary: Columbiana Middle School
Jeremy built and installed birdhouses behind Columbiana Middle School.

Logan V.
Sebring | Troop 2101
Project Beneficiary: The Elks Lodge
There is about 15-19 tables that need sanded and stained. They will also need the bolts tightened and the nail and staples taken out.

Wesley W.
Chester, WV | Troop 2012
Project Beneficiary: Hancock County Animal Shelter
Wesley got donations from people attending the craft/vendor show to get the animal shelter food and toys for both cats and dogs.

Tyler W.
Salem | Troop 2018
Project Beneficiary: Heritage Baptist Church
Tyler built backstop approximately 8 inches high so people know when to quit backing up so they don't back over the hill at his church. It will be a more permanent solution than railroad ties that rot out. He buried posts in the ground and screwed boards to them.
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