Buckeye Council's First Class of Female Eagle Scouts

Elizabeth G.
Troop 2003
Kaitlynn H.
Troop 2003

Lilah S.
Troop 1111
Bethany H.
Troop 1111

Kayla R.
Troop 6776
New Riegel
The Eagle Scout Rank has been sought by many and earned by few. History was made with the 2021 Eagle Scout Class as it includes the first females to achieve the rank of Eagle Scout in the Buckeye Council. These “first five” seized the opportunity to join Scouting as soon as it was offered to young women and immediately began their journey along the trail to Eagle. But make no mistake, their accomplishment is no more or less than any other member of the 2021 Eagle Scout class. Their accomplishments are equal and stand shoulder to shoulder with all those who have achieved this high honor. Eagles are eagles – they all soar high.
The opportunity to pursue the Eagle Rank first opened to young women on February 1st, 2019. The trail to Eagle is identical for all youth in Scouting regardless of gender. The requirements to advance through the ranks, demonstrate leadership of others, earn vocation based merit badges, and oversee a significant service project benefitting their community are just some of what all Scouts must complete along the way. Since Scouting began in 1910, fewer than 4% of all youth who participated in Scouting achieved the rank of Eagle. Earning the highest rank in Scouting is a tremendous accomplishment representing the culmination of years of effort and leadership. Reaching this pinnacle in 2021 while facing the ongoing challenges of the pandemic makes this group especially remarkable.

Elizabeth G.
Salem | Girl Troop 2003
Project Beneficiary: Salem First Presbyterian Church
Elizabeth built a gazebo as part of a meditation garden for Salem First Presbyterian Church, which is her troop's chartered organization.

Kaitlynn H.
Salem | Girl Troop 2003
Project Beneficiary: Salem Parks and Recreation
Kaitlynn built two lending libraries - one in Waterworth Memorial Park and the other in Centennial Park in Salem. People will be able to take and leave books as they wish, allowing someone the chance to read something they haven't read before.
Bethany H.
Louisville | Troop 1111
Project Beneficiary: Project KARE
Project KARE gets donations for their foster kids all year around, but their supplies room has become especially cluttered during the holiday season. Bethany sorted all of the donations into labeled totes and take inventory so they are able to distribute the donations with ease.


Lilah S.
Canton | Troop 1111
Project Beneficiary: Zion United Church of Christ
For Lilah's project, she washed and painted the walls in Zion United Church of Christ's room that another youth group utilizes. She reattached the paneling with construction adhesives as well as cleaned it up to make it look more presentable. Additionally, Lilah created a knot tying station with basic knots, along with creating a sign to display those knots.

Kayla R.
New Riegel | Troop 6776
Project Beneficiary: Emmanuel United Church of Christ
For Kayla's Eagle Scout project, she cleaned out the Sunday school room at the Immanuel United Church of Christ by sorting out items to be recycled or kept. Additionally, she washed and painted the walls in the Sunday School room.